well pretty much me, abby, jake and laurel all sleep at a park close to my house and pulled a mostly all-nighter. it was fun, but now im soooo tired. and im really hungry, but i cant eat cause im to tired to get up. OMG, THIS WAS SO FUNNY. we went to this deleno parade {cause thats where my cousins live, we didnt just go to a random parade} and theres a bunch of floats. there were a couple with "princesses" or whatever on them. this one float was kinda low, so this one little kis tried to go give one of the girls a high five. so the lady leaned over REALLY far...and guess what happenes next...she fell off the float and leanded on the kid. yup, she fell off a sparkly blue and white float in her fancy dress onto a little 5 or 6 year old boy. and she was a a little big too....it was sortof sad. i felt really bad, but it was kindof funny at the same time:) my mom and uncle said theyve jsut been waiting for a princess to fall for the 25 years theyve been going to the parade, and when it happen, it was RIGHT INFRONT OF US. HAH, it makes me laugh really hard when i think about it:) ill try to blog more! okay...byee.
love to you from,
i remember coming with you to that delano parade a few years back :) it sounds like the neighborhood fourth was fun! :)